Sustainability for our customers

Current regulations, in particular the Paris Agreements, the first universal international climate agreement, provide a framework with precise targets to be achieved by 2030. For its part, the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) sets a clear challenge: to harmonize companies’ data analysis with an approach focused on sustainability-related risks and impacts across their entire value chain.


These are all mechanisms that need to be implemented now, and which will undoubtedly increase in number over the next few years, thanks in particular to strong popular enthusiasm for this existential cause. It is at this price that organizations, both public and private, will become full players in their own sustainable development.

Magellan Partners, your partner in sustainability issues


Our vision of Sustainability


Our Augmented Consultants


Our expertise in business and technology consulting

CSR Corporate

Guide your teams in the development and deployment of a global strategy covering all CSR pillars.


Accompanying our customers from the assessment of their carbon footprint to the implementation of actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, including the establishment of SBTi-certified carbon trajectories.

Energy efficiency

Assist our customers from auditing the energy consumption of their sites and activities to the operational implementation of actions to reduce energy consumption.

Digital Responsibility

Working together to define a responsible digital strategy and activate reduction levers, while supporting change.

Tooling up your CSR policy

Use Data and AI to tool CSR policies and improve the environmental performance of your activities.

Regulatory compliance

Support your teams in understanding and applying practices governed by CSR regulations.

Employee commitment

Measure, build and support your managers (HR and operational) in the development of engagement levers for your employees.

Discover all the extraordinary catalysts of Augmented Transformation


Generative AI


Intelligent Business Platforms


New Human and Societal expectations

The Augmented Consultant, an ally in sustainable Augmented Transformation

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